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South Sudan

Situation Overview: Flood Resilience - Guit County, Unity State, South Sudan (August 2023)


Key messages

  • Guit County has suffered from large-scale protracted flooding since the extended flooding events of 2021. Flood water eroded traditional livelihoods activities, mainly cultivation and cattle rearing. In turn, community members are resorting to increasingly severe coping strategies to deal with a lack of food.
  • Assessment findings suggest that access to basic services, in particular health and nutrition facilities, was restricted by the flooding. This is particularly concerning in light of 2023 IPC analysis, which projected that communities in Guit County would experience Phase 4 (Critical) Acute Malnutrition before July 2024.
  • Large-scale climatic shocks, especially flooding, are anticipated during the 2024 rainy season. In this regard, it is of utmost importance that communities have access to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) measures and Early-Warning Systems that can prevent or protect people from the effects of these shocks.