Eastern Lakes continued to be affected by intercommunal violence and cattle raids, particularly in areas near county borders. Throughout the third quarter of 2018, most indicators remained relatively low but stable, which suggests that critical barriers to access to food and basic services persisted in the region. Furthermore, food insecurity remained high, particularly in Yirol East and Yirol West Counties, as the lack of rain further added to the challenges in crop production between July and September 2018.
To inform the response of humanitarian actors working outside of formal displacement sites, REACH has been conducting an assessment of hard-to-reach areas in South Sudan since 2015, for which data on settlements across Greater Upper Nile, Greater Equatoria and Greater Bahr el Ghazal region is collected on a monthly basis. Data on Eastern Lakes has been collected since June 2018.
From July to September 2018, REACH interviewed 660 Key Informants (KIs) from 332 settlements in Awerial, Yirol East and Yirol West Counties in Lakes State. All the KIs were interviewed in Mingkaman. Findings have been triangulated using 4 Focus Group Discussion (FGDs) conducted in Mingkaman, as well as with interviews with humanitarian actors, secondary data, and previous REACH assessments of hard-to-reach areas of Lakes State.
This Situation Overview outlines displacement and access to basic services in Eastern Lakes from July to September 2018. The first section analyses displacement trends while the second evaluates access to food and basic services for both displaced and non-displaced communities.