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South Sudan

Republic of South Sudan - Measles Outbreak and Response Weekly Situation Update #9 (28 March 2023)



The Measles outbreak was declared on the 10th of December, 2022, by the South Sudan National Ministry of Health. Data obtained from January 1, 2022, to March 19, 2023, shows that a total of 63 counties across all 10 States have reported at least one suspected measles case, with confirmed outbreaks in 36 counties. Twenty-one (21) counties conducted reactive campaigns with 937,123 children vaccinated. A cumulative sum of 5,810 suspected cases have been reported; 4,137 and 1,673 in 2022 and 2023, respectively. An attack rate of 0.4 cases per 1000 population and a non-measles febrile rash rate of 4.0 cases per 100,000 population, respectively reported in this outbreak.

Key weekly Situation Update as of 26 March 2023

▪ Out of the 5,810 suspected measles cases, 2,990(51.4%) are epi-linked, 554(9.5%) lab-confirmed, 1,663(28.6%) clinically compatible, and 603(10.3) discarded cases have been reported from epidemiological week 1, 2022, to week 12, 2023 (as shown in table 1 below).

• One (1) suspected case has been reported during the reporting week

▪ A total of 58 measles-related deaths were reported since January 2022, with only 3 deaths among the lab-confirmed measles cases. The case fatality rate (CFR) is 1.0% (as shown in figure 1 and table 3 below)

• No new measles-related death reported this week

▪ Twenty-three (23) counties have confirmed Measles outbreaks in 2022, and fifteen (15) counties in 2023

• No newly confirmed outbreak this week

Key Update for 2023

▪ Fourty five (45) counties have reported suspected measles cases in 2023, of which twenty-eight (28) counties have at least one confirmed case

▪ Fifteen (15) counties (Mvolo, Mundri East, Pariang, Awerial, Rumbek Centre, Kapoeta South Tonj South, Tonj North, Bor South, Aweil Centre, Rumbek East, Gogrial East, Juba, Tonj East and Wulu) have confirmed outbreaks in 2023.

▪ Reactive vaccination campaigns were conducted in 21 counties (16 counties in 2022, 5 counties in 2023), with 937,123 children vaccinated

▪ The latest reactive measles campaigns were conducted in Nyirol and Bor South counties

▪ The Ministry of Health, WHO, and partners are planning a reactive measles campaign in Pamir refugee camp (Pariang)