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South Sudan

Malakal UNYDA gives pumps and seeds to farmers

21 April 2015 - The Upper Nile Youth Development Association (UNYDA) contributed water pumping machines and vegetable seeds to farmers today in the capital Malakal.

The contribution is part of a project to support small famers facing challenges generating income due to a lack of modern machinery.

“This project will be for six months to help famers produce more vegetables to meet the need of the people,” said UNYDA Field Officer Obaj Bol Bol.

Previously, farmers used jerkins and local containers to irrigate their crops. Most seed stores they possessed were destroyed during current conflict in the country.

Mr. Bol encouraged farmers to increase production as a means of reducing poverty. He said his organization would be providing pumps and seeds to 100 farmers in each of the state’s counties.

Beneficiary Farmer Paulino John said the machines would help farmers increase vegetable production from 5-10 acres to 20-30 acres. “We are very happy with the organization for this great support that they have given us.”