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South Sudan

Maban Bulletin: Voices on the Move, December 2024 - Issue #2


The Voices-on-the-Move is a two-way humanitarian communications project funded by BPRM and implemented by Internews in partnership with Community Engagement Network (CEN). CEN is a women-led South Sudanese nongovernmental media organization focused on promoting innovative radio programming to facilitate communication and community engagement among refugees, host communities, and humanitarian organizations. In Maban, Radio Salam 99.1 FM is a community radio managed by CEN and is located in the Gendrassa Refugee Camp (with a satellite station in Doro), Maban County in Upper Nile State. The station serves a population of over 160,000 Sudanese refugees, third country nationals and the host community in Gendrassa, Doro, Batil, Kaya and the surrounding areas. Radio Salam broadcasts 12 hours a day.

The Internews community feedback collection mechanism involves collecting rumors, and other forms of feedback. We ensure inclusivity when collecting feedback from listening groups, focus group discussions, online platforms, social media and humanitarians. The community correspondents share the feedback with the relevant humanitarian agencies for fact-checked responses in a transparent and timely manner. The information is packaged into radio programs, e-bulletins, factsheets, flashcard and content for online platforms for public consumption