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South Sudan

IOM South Sudan Shelter & Non-Food Items 2018 Quarter 3 Report July – September


S/NFI Cluster

The S/NFI Cluster strengthened the capacity of its 24 partners, including seven national nongovernmental organizations (NNGOs). The S/NFI Cluster conducted four workshops and information sessions on communication and community engagement, an NNGO info-session, a state focal point workshop, and an S/NFI methodology refresher workshop. After conducting 33 assessments/verifications, the S/NFI Cluster carried out 28 distributions in nine states of South Sudan and Abyei. Of particular note is Cluster participation in integrated rapid response missions (IRRM) in Koch, Leer and Mayendit Counties, Unity State, through which the S/NFI Cluster supported the World Food Programme and UNICEF RRM. In this joint intervention, IOM covered two locations in Mayendit. The intervention was carried out from the end of July to mid-August 2018 reaching a total of 18,551 households. During the reporting period, the S/ NFI Cluster convened nine meetings to identify gaps, the availability of partners, prioritize the most urgent needs, organize multi-sector responses, and provide context updates. The S/NFI Assessment Taskforce finalized the S/NFI assessment tools (household questionnaire, focus group discussion (FGD) protocol, and key informant interviews (KII)) which are now ready for field testing by partners. By the end of Q3, 10 organizations had provided feedback on the tools based on their experiences in the field.

S/NFI Core Pipeline S/NFI Core Pipeline procures S/NFIs and transports them to key locations across the country for prepositioning in warehouses. In Quarter 3, a total of 595 metric tons of S/NFIs were transported to warehouses for further distribution by partners to the crisis-affected population.

IOM S/NFI Response

IOM S/NFI unit reached 28,391 individuals (13,426 males and 14,965 females) through inkind responses. Seven assessments were conducted in the states of Jonglei, Western Bahr el Ghazal, and Central Equatoria. In August, one emergency response was conducted in the transit area in Tongping, Central Equatoria, with S/NFI materials distributed to 549 individuals.