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South Sudan

IOM South Sudan Shelter and Non-Food Items (S/NFI) 2020 | Quarter 2 Report


382,075 individuals reached by S-NFI Cluster partners

13,313 individuals assisted by IOM with Shelter and Non-Food Items based on identified needs

2,724 individuals provided HLP education, counseling and legal services

82% of the targeted population reported that the received S-NFI respond to their urgent needs

137 emergency shelters constructed in Abyei and Wau government staff trained on COVID-19 prevention and mitigation measures

The S-NFI Cluster

  • The Shelter and Non-food items (S-NFI) Cluster provided 382,075 crisis-affected individuals with life-saving and lifesustaining emergency shelters and non-food items.

  • S-NFI Cluster completed the 2020 South Sudan Humanitarian Fund (SSHF) Standard Allocation Strategic review. Four partners were selected to implement multi-sectoral projects (CCCM,
    S-NFI and Protection) targeting 60,703 individuals, while another five partners were selected to implement single sector projects targeting 81,000 individuals.

  • The cluster finalized an addendum to its 2020 Response Plan, which includes COVID-19 related activities, targeting an additional 91,000 individuals, requiring an additional 2.6 million USD.