89,753 individuals reached with MHPSS services in Q3
3,101 caregivers supported through home visits and inclusion in support group activities and counselling
7,449 individuals joined MHPSS peer support groups
8,456 individuals provided Psychological First Aid (PFA)
89 INGOS, NGOs, government, UN, and faith- and community-based organizations which provide MHPSS services in South Sudan provided inputs to the MHPSS TWG 4ws.
3,957 new individuals admitted for counselling services (1,238 children and 2,719 adults)
MHPSS Frontline Services
IOM reached 32,926 persons from IDP and host communities in Wau and Malakal through 170 community sensitization activities and focus group discussions with various wellbeing, protection and health-related messages. These messages focused on the following topics: early and forced marriage, gender-based violence (GBV) and sexually transmitted diseases, youth and adolescent social behaviors, access to treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, personal hygiene and health, women’s and girl’s rights, prison inmates’ rights, peace and reconciliation, livelihoods, childcare, men’s peer support, child rights and back to school programme promotion, aid to the elderly, and alcohol abuse. IOM also participated in the state-level roll-out of the campaign for ‘Prevention and Ending Early Marriages in South Sudan’ in September 2018 in collaboration with the Wau Protection Cluster and State Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare (MoGCSW).
65 new peer support groups for young mothers, children, women, widows, persons with disabilities and elderly people were formed in Wau and Malakal. There are currently 229 active groups (190 in Wau and 39 in Malakal).
Income generating activities were scaled-up in Wau. In Nazareth and Lokoloko collective sites, the beneficiaries are learning how to make shopping bags from ketenge cloth and recycled sacks, and fishing nets. At Cathedral Collective site, IDPs are also learning shoe making using and recycling local materials such as car tires.
MHPSS resumed out-of-Wau-town outreach in collaboration with IOM’s MHU Rapid Response team on 5 September. Areas of Baggari, Bazia and Farajallah were visited by lead counsellors/ MHPSS mobile team members on a weekly basis.