The 2017 South Sudan Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) appeals for USD 1.6 billion to target 5.8 million people for assistance. Developed in line with the HRP and the framework of the IASC Clusters, IOM’s 2017 CAP requests USD 76,852,706. The appeal highlights emergency humanitarian assistance based on IOM’s existing capacity, focusing on the most urgent needs of the affected population.
IOM co-ordinates under the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Humanitarian Cluster System. IOM is the Shelter and Non‐Food Items (S-NFI) Cluster co-lead, manages the S-NFI core supply pipeline and is State Focal Point for Western Bahr el Ghazal; the Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster (CCCM) co‐lead and State Focal Point in Upper Nile and Western Bahr el Ghazal; the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster State Focal Point for Upper Nile and manages 12.5 per cent of the WASH core supply pipeline; plays an active role in the Health Cluster and co-hosts the HIV and TB in Emergencies sub-working group; leads the Mental Health Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Forum and is a member of the PSS Working Group under the Protection Cluster and the Ministry of Health (MoH) MHPSS Platform; runs the Common Transport Service (CTS) for the Logistics Cluster and is the rotational Chair of the Health Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) Working Group.
The synergistic approach across different Sectors significantly boosts the strength of interventions.
Programmes acknowledge that conflict transformation and resolution are possible with assistance underpinned by a focus on resilience and ownership, particularly in certain geographic locations. IOM is committed to the voluntary return and reintegration of IDPs and refugees, when possible and appropriate. Cooperation with the Government of the Republic of South Sudan is important to sustain operations and humanitarian response activities. IOM and UNMISS continue to work together, building on the collaboration since UNMISS opened its gates to their bases for IDPs in 2013, saving thousands of lives.