IOM's Displacement Tracking Matrix conducted 4,700 interviews representing 11,661 individual movements into and out of Bentiu Protection of Civilian (PoC) site, Malakal PoC site, Wau PoC Adjacent Area (AA) and Wau Masna Collective Centre in June 2020.
While new arrivals at Bentiu PoC site were heavily dominated by family members joining site residents from Sudan in 2019 as for example in May-July 2019 when 82 per cent arrived from Sudan, cross-border movement restrictions in the second quarter of 2020 have severely dampened such travels. Among randomly interviewed persons at the site's gates, DTM encountered only 8 newly arriving individuals compared to an average of over 300 a month in May-July 2019. COVID-19 mobility restrictions are further reported on in DTM's COVID-19 Mobility Update.
Malakal PoC site has seen an increased proportion of new arrivals among interviewed individuals. While DTM has not interviewed significant numbers of new arrivals or permanent exits throughout the past year, new arrivals made up six per cent of interviewed persons in June 2020. Over half of all new arrivals were female (58%) and most cited either family or healthcare as reasons for entry.
Wau PoC AA saw a slightly higher than usual proportion of persons permanently exiting the site during the reporting period. Nearly two-thirds of these were female (65%) and the main reasons for exits were related to better conditions at destinations as well as re-joining family. In a similar fashion to the nearby PoC AA, Masna Collective Centre saw few movements in and out of the site apart from the same-day travellers.