In 2021, the Unity State government surveyed and allocated plots of land in the Rotriak Settlement to flood affected IDPs from all over unity State. The population in Rotriak continues to increase due to the availability of dry land on higher ground, making it safe from floods. According to the community leaders, the settlement consists of 21 blocks and each block has a capacity of 350 – 370 Plots. The current population is now estimated to be over 60,000 individuals.
When fighting broke out in Sudan in April 2023, thousands of people fled into neighboring countries including South Sudan. Among the thousands fleeing into South Sudan are nationals returning through Panakuach as their transit point, with some settling in Rotriak because many villages in Unity are still flooded, or they do not have the means for onward traveling to other parts of the country. The government has allocated land in Block 17 of the Rotriak settlements for Returnees who choose to remain. From 20th April 2023 to date, IOM and UNCHR in collaboration with other UN agencies, INGOs & NGOs, formed a taskforce stationed at Heglig/Payangai (Panakuach) border to track, verify and register returnees and refugees upon arrival. The returnees are then immediately transported to Rotriak and refugees to Ajoungthok (Pamir) refugee camps.
As at time of reporting, over 4,000 Returnees have been transported from Payangai/Panakuach border to Rotriak. According to local authorities in Rotriak, some of the returnees have sent their families to relatives in other counties, either to settle or with intention to return to settle in Rotriak once they have constructed shelter there.
On 13 May, an inter-agency assessment team visited Rotriak to assess the humanitarian situation of the returnees who are in the area. The Team found mostly women headed families settling in the open,sheltering mostly under trees. The Team observed only a few men and teenage boys amongst the families because according to the returnees, they were either conscripted in Sudan, killed or are in hiding within Sudan as they are reportedly targeted amongst people fleeing from the conflict. The purpose of the Inter Agency Needs Assessment (IRNA) was to understand the vulnerability levels among Returnees from Sudan and the IDPs already living in Rotriak settlement, to inform humanitarian action. Government has reportedly provided small quantities of Sorghum, which is being distributed to the returnees who arrive daily, but this support is insufficient and IDPs/host population do not have the capacity to support the needs of the returnees, as they are themselves vulnerable and in need of assistance. The main needs identified are food, nutrition and health services, Shelter and NFIs, Clean water and sanitation, core relief items for women and girls.
The most critical recommendation from the Assessment Team is to provide immediate light humanitarian response including food, nutrition services, shelter materials and NFIs, health services, critical protection items especially dignity kits for women and girls, seeds and tools, advocacy with Government to protect the returnees from robbery and theft, increase clean water sources in Rotriak.
The Team used a combination of tools to collect relevant humanitarian data and information, Interviews with key informants including County administrators, observations, focused group discussions and MUAC Screening. The team was also supported by the Unity State RRC Chairperson.
On 15 April 2023, an armed conflict between rival factions of the military government of Sudan erupted in the capital Khartoum, leading to the displacement of thousands of people who were previously living in different parts of Sudan, including thousands of South Sudanese who were living there as Refugees. Following the outbreak of the conflict, many were forced to flee to neighboring countries in search of protection and assistance, and South Sudan is one of the countries receiving the highest number of refugees and returnees. The host population in Unity State is already severely affected by flooding since 2021 and has limited capacity to support the arriving returnees. Many of the displaced communities in Rotriak are from other counties such as Mayom and do not have relatives within the host community in Rotriak.
The assessment focused on mainly vulnerable returnees and IDPs, over 90 percent found sheltering and living under trees in Rotriak Plot 17, with only a few integrated into IDP communities. Prior to the arrival of the returnees, the situation of the flood affected IDPs settled in Rotriak was already grim due to shortage of services in the sites, notably shelter, Food, Nutrition, WASH and Health. A limited amount of water is provided by Oil company (GPOC) through water trucking, but most of the returnees are not able to collect water due to lack of water containers and acts of discrimination by the host IDPs. Two out of three water points constructed by GPOC are functional, but the yield is very low. IDPs are forced to drink, cook and clean from the flood water. Thus, water remains among the top priorities for IDPs. The makeshift shelters of many IDP families were already totally or partially damaged, and some were already sleeping in the open under trees. Therefore, returnees settling in Rotriak without shelters have added to the number of people sleeping/living in the open, ultimately increasing the level of vulnerability in the community. The situation is expected to further deteriorate with the onset of the rains. During focus group discussions and household interviews, the key priority needs mentioned were plastic sheet, food, blanket, sleeping mats, mosquito net, solar lamps, cooking set, water containers.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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