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South Sudan

Improving Food Security and Self-Reliance through Livelihoods in South Sudan, 2021 - Cost Efficiency Analysis, conducted in December 2022



This study summarizes an analysis conducted by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in South Sudan to assess the cost-efficiency of livelihood interventions to improve the food security and self-reliance of refugees and host communities in Ajuong Thok, Pamir and Jamjang in 2021 which was funded by the UNHCR. The analysis revealed that:

● The average cost per person receiving business grants and mentorship was $1,343. For every $100 invested by UNHCR to provide business grants and mentorship, business owners could earn an additional $37 in a year.

● The average cost per person supported with value addition on agricultural products was $596. For every $100 invested by UNHCR to support agricultural value addition, farmers could earn an additional $21 in a year.

● The average cost per VSLA group was $3,876. For every $100 invested by UNHCR to support VSLA groups, the group members could generate savings and interest of $79 in a year.