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South Sudan

Ikwoto Multi-Sector Survey (March 2021)


Kuti Elizabeth Kasmiro


  • Ikwoto multi-sector Survey was conducted in November 2020 across all the eight administrative areas (payams) namely Bira, Chorokol, Chahari, Losite, Isohe, Ikotos, Imotong and Katire. It is the fourth kind of Survey ever conducted in the county the first was in September 2016 second in May 2017, third 2018

  • The activity was done within 14th days of field work by the great Team of well trained and experienced 10 Enumerators locally identify from all the payams of the county. The idea of hiring the local Enumerators was to solve the issues of Language Barrie since the communities in the county speak different dialect.


  • Ikwoto County is one of the Eight counties that felt under the Jurisdiction of the Eastern Equatoria state, in the Southern-East part of the Country. It bordered Torit, Kapoeta and Budi Counties. And Uganda from the south

  • Ikwoto County is divided in to Two geographical sites: the high-lands and the low-lands areas. the high-lands such as Imotong, Katire, part of Chorokol and part of Ikotos payams are relatively fertile, while Low-lands such as Chahari, Losite and chorokol payams. are arid, food-insecure and pastorally oriented.


The Questionnaire

  • The questionnaire used in this Survey was adopted from the Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring System (FSNMS) and some from the UNICEF Multi Indicator Cluster Survey.


  • The sampling strategy used was the standard Two-stage Cluster Sampling where the first was for cluster (Villages) selection and the other for the House hold selection.

  • The first stage sampling based on the probability proportional to Population size (PPS) to ensure that random selection of the villages was from both the most accessible, central and isolated villages within the given boma.

  • The second sampling was a random walk with technique of selecting HHs from different corners of the village with am aim to get random information from the given village.

Objectives of the Survey

To asses the conditions of entire communities (sub-county: payams), to improve targeting and tailoring and to orient our response toward entire communities (not just direct beneficiaries)

  • to gain a holistic, multi-sectoral understanding of recent developments (last 2 years) in the following fields (need to cover them all in one survey to cross answers to get solid findings and identify linkages):

    • Human development – Livelihood, Resilience, Food Security, Health, Hygiene, Education, Protection and Gender
    • Economy – Agriculture, Livestock Farming, Markets, Assets
    • Peace and Governance – Natural Resources, Safety, Migration, Community Participation & Local Governance and Humanitarian Aid
  • to encourage a more nexus/resilience-oriented mindset: focusing not only on needs but also on opportunities to strengthen (positive copying strategies, community self-reliance, and advanced market participants to use as pulling factors)

  • to nourish genuine accountability: surveys are validated trough one-day meetings with county and payam representatives as a means to promote an evidence-based dialogue with the community