IOM and Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH – present for NFI assessment) reached Pathai on 25 October. The team was welcomed by the Relief Organization For South Sudan (ROSS) and met with the Acting Executive Director in the absence of the Deputy Commissioner. The assessment dates were 26 October in Pathai Centre, 27 October in Turgay, 28 October in Modit and 30 October in Pabuong.
Pathai is a payam in Urur County of Jonglei State. It is about 120 minutes’ flight by helicopter from Bor. The host population is estimated at 14,796. The area also hosts more than 6,390 IDPs that fled conflict and hunger in Ayod,
Pajul, Chuil, Uleng, and some locations in and around Waat of the former Greater Jonglei State and most IDPs arrived in the area between January and June 2017 bringing the total populaঞon to 21,186 individuals. There have been no reported cases of new arrival of IDPs in Pathai Payam since June. Apart from small scale fishing and farming, pastoralism is the most commonly pracঞced livelihood amongst the small population. The situation of the most vulnerable people including IDPs is precarious, with most surviving on sharing food with the host community, lile fish from nearby swamps and food distribuঞons from WFP around July 2017.
Health and education faciliঞes are lacking. Only few pupils aend school, with some children being involved in cale herding, whilst others have joined armed groups. Most of the populaঞon including IDPs fetch drinking water from boreholes and contaminated water sources including stagnant ponds. Poor sanitaঞon is further exacerbated by the lack of latrines and the populaঞon pracঞcing open defecaঞon. In Pathai Centre there is a mobile clinic operated by MSF which is accessible for the community four ঞmes a month. The clinic also covers the nearest bomas including Modit, Pabuong, Turgay and Pulchuol. In the absence of other health faciliঞes in Pathai people with healthcare needs are reported to use local herbs in consultaঞon with local healers.
According to the County Acting Commissioner, the front line between Pathai and Waat is about 12 hours’ walk from Pathai. Instances of inter-clan conflicts, cale rustling and revenge killings are reported as security concerns in the region.