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South Sudan

DTM South Sudan: Mangala Rapid Flow Monitoring (02 January - 30 September 2021)


Since mid-June 2020, people in South Sudan have been affected by flooding in areas along the White Nile. As numbers increased, a temporary site for flood displaced population was set up in Mangala river port and Bor/Juba bus station, where the first group of IDPs arrived on 3 August 2020, and data have been collected since. According to the World Food Programme (WFP), 17,952 individuals/4,911 households were registered in Mangala as of 31 May 2021 (CES-ICCG). DTM continued with implementation of the Rapid Flow Monitoring tool which supplies partners with the number of new arrivals and a basic profile of populations arriving and leaving the site, including areas of departure and intended destinations. Between 2 January and 30 September 2021, DTM surveyed 831 groups representing 4,414 individuals, 4,337 of which were new arrivals. The monthly average of new arrival is 380 individuals. September present an increased of arrivals at the port compared to the previous months (1,294).