According to the October 2020 Intention survey 51% of the respondents expressed their intention to stay. This percentage is slightly higher than the one for March 2020 where those with intentions constituted 45%.
Amongst the respondents who plan to move to their final destination, more than half are uncertain on when they intend to move.
Respondents who said they have no intentions to stay in Aburoc (13%) cited lack of service provision, as well as improved security outside Aburoc IDP informal settlement as the main factors driving them out of the settlement.
Danish Refugee Council conducted a rapid intention survey in Aburoc IDP settlement from 07 to 13 October 2020. The aim of conducting the survey was to have knowledge on whether internally displaced persons intend to stay or leave Aburoc settlement. This is a follow up survey to the one conducted by DRC in March, 2020 and it comes during the implementation of the revitalized peace agreement on the resolution of conflict in South Sudan. From the findings, 51% expressed their intention to stay in Aburoc, a slightly higher percentage compared to March 2020 in which 45% of the respondents had expressed the same intention.