COVID-19 Cases
South Sudan on alert threshold for resurgence of COVID-19
Number of cases expected to increase in coming weeks with roll-out of antigen rapid diagnostics tests
WHO warning for possible collapse of COVID-19 response, especially with an expected increase in cases thanks to increased testing
Laboratory testing
- MSF, ICRC, IMC, World Vision, IOM and UNHCR supporting with roll out of the antigen rapid diagnostic tests. All symptomatic cases who test positive with a rapid test are automatically registered as confirmed COVID-19 cases.
Case management
- Many NGO partners running out of funding for isolation and treatment facilities. Many isolation facilities reportedly not operational without staff and supplies.
85% of vaccines administered with one more week to go before expiry
Efforts underway to address low vaccine uptake among women (26.3%)
Increase from 0.04% to 0.3% fully vaccinated population in past 3 weeks
Still over 23,000 people did not come for 2nd dose
Training materials for one-shot Johnson & Johnson revised, Training of Trainers to be conducted next week.
Vaccination campaign for 152,950 doses of Johnson & Johnson to start in October, targeting all 80 counties
Points of Entry
Port Health Facility at Juba International Airport handed over by Japan embassy to the Ministry of Health on 17 September 2021
Cross-border meeting in Renk on 21-23-16 September organised by EU-IGAD COVID-19 Response program