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South Sudan

COVID-19 Update for South Sudan - 23 September 2021


COVID-19 Cases

  • South Sudan on alert threshold for resurgence of COVID-19

  • Number of cases expected to increase in coming weeks with roll-out of antigen rapid diagnostics tests

  • WHO warning for possible collapse of COVID-19 response, especially with an expected increase in cases thanks to increased testing

Laboratory testing

  • MSF, ICRC, IMC, World Vision, IOM and UNHCR supporting with roll out of the antigen rapid diagnostic tests. All symptomatic cases who test positive with a rapid test are automatically registered as confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Case management

  • Many NGO partners running out of funding for isolation and treatment facilities. Many isolation facilities reportedly not operational without staff and supplies.


  • 85% of vaccines administered with one more week to go before expiry

  • Efforts underway to address low vaccine uptake among women (26.3%)

  • Increase from 0.04% to 0.3% fully vaccinated population in past 3 weeks

  • Still over 23,000 people did not come for 2nd dose

  • Training materials for one-shot Johnson & Johnson revised, Training of Trainers to be conducted next week.

  • Vaccination campaign for 152,950 doses of Johnson & Johnson to start in October, targeting all 80 counties

Points of Entry

  • Port Health Facility at Juba International Airport handed over by Japan embassy to the Ministry of Health on 17 September 2021

  • Cross-border meeting in Renk on 21-23-16 September organised by EU-IGAD COVID-19 Response program