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South Sudan

Community Approaches to Epidemic Management in South Sudan


This briefing summarizes findings from the mid-point of the Community Approaches to Epidemic Management in South Sudan research project. The project is run by the Rift Valley Institute (RVI) and funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) via the East Africa Research and Innovation Hub (EARIH). The project, which began in response to the global coronavirus pandemic, is designed to document how communities across South Sudan have created systems and structures to control the spread of epidemics and infectious diseases in the country. It builds on a rapid response research study conducted by RVI in April this year: Responding to COVID-19 in South Sudan: making local knowledge count.

This briefing presents time-critical findings and suggestions for action. A full report will be published at the conclusion of the project that will present geographically specific evidence including detailed community methods of infectious disease management.