On 29 April 2014, a suspected case of cholera was reported from MSF clinic at UN House/Juba III IDP camp. The previous day he had visited relatives in Gudele where he developed severe diarrhoea. One of the contacts in the household had developed acute watery diarrhea on the 23 April 2014. Following field investigations and laboratory confirmation, on 15 May 2014, the Ministry of Health declared an outbreak of cholera in Juba. Since then, several suspected cases have been recorded and laboratory confirmed from different suburbs in Juba.
Situation Update
. On 25 May 2014, 65 new cases were admitted at the cholera treatment centres (CTC) in Juba and 48 cases discharged leaving 105 patients on admission in the cholera treatment centres.
. Cases have been reported from eight Payams in Juba county with the most affected being Muniki 141 (25%).
. Since the beginning of the outbreak on 23 April 2014, 586 cumulative cholera cases including 22 deaths (13 institutional and 09 community deaths) (CFR 4.0%) have been reported. The majority of the deaths reported in hospital died on arrival.