Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA

South Sudan + 1 more

Aweil Humanitarian Information Needs: Community Voices Bulletin, October 2024 / Issue #7


The Internews humanitarian information service involves a continual process of listening and two-way communication between the community and humanitarian responders.

Community Correspondents collect feedback, questions, and concerns from community members each day through one-to-one and group discussions. We ensure a diverse range of voices is heard and provide an alternative for community members who may not feel comfortable, or may not know how, to approach humanitarian actors with their feedback directly.

Supported by the World Food Program (WFP), Internews is working with The Radio Community (TRC) to respond to community information gaps, concerns, and needs in the refugee settlements. We provide a two-way information platform that connects community members with verified and actionable information from humanitarian responders providing access to services, elevating community voices, and informing decision-making. This project serves thousands of people displaced by the conflict in Sudan and now living in Aweil West County, Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal, in South Sudan.

If you want to contribute to this bulletin or discuss our data please contact:

Humanitarian Media Advisor, Tusiime W. Romeo (Akiiki) (,

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), The Radio Community (TRC), Chris Marol, (

Aweil West County, Northern Bahr-el-Ghazal


The influx of refugees and returnees keeps fluctuating with each passing day. This calls for continuous creation of awareness by CEN and humanitarian agencies at the entry points and Transit Centers. This e-bulletin is one of the products culminating from feedback and responses between recipients and humanitarians.

In this publication, refugees and returnees continue to call out aid organizations. Among their requests and concerns are requests for awareness campaigns on the proper use of bathrooms and clear labeling of doors to avoid confusion between showers and toilets. Many community members are frustrated by unfulfilled promises of financial assistance, which is leading to financial pressure and mistrust. There are requests for transparency and clear criteria in the non-food item registration process, which is seen by some as unfair and unclear.

There is feedback on criminal activity and inadequate security at the Transit Center gate causing serious safety concerns. Some refugees say they prefer to stay closer to the Sudanese border to enable them to process their return if the security situation improves. Also, there are requests for the addition of distribution points to reduce the overcrowding at nutrition distribution sites.