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South Sudan

ACAPS Briefing Note: South Sudan - Floods (4 November 2019)


Heavy flooding cause by intense seasonal rains has been impacting large areas of South Sudan. An estimated 900,000 people have been affected and an estimated 420,000 people have been displaced, as floods have destroyed shelters and infrastructure and disrupted people’s access to services. Major access constraints hamper humanitarian assistance. The floods are compounding pre-existing humanitarian needs, including food insecurity and malnutrition, related to the complex crisis in South Sudan.

Anticipated scope and scale

The seasonal floods have impacted large areas across South Sudan, especially in the north and east. Floods have been ongoing since July but intensified in October. Available data indicates that Maban county in Upper Nile state and Pibor county in Jonglei state have been particularly affected. Other significantly impacted counties include Twic East, Uror, Akobo, and Nyirol in Jonglei state, Ulang in Upper Nile state, and Mayom in Unity state. Rains are ongoing and likely to continue into November, which could further exacerbate needs and access constraints.

Humanitarian constraints

Access has been severely disrupted. Floods have blocked road access to many affected areas and restrict people’s access to services.