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South Sudan

2022 South Sudan Humanitarian Response in Review


Strategic objectives

Vulnerable people who experience multi-sectoral severitylevels of 4 and 5 have reduced morbidity and mortality through equitable and dignified access to critical crosssectoral essential services to meet their needs.

Vulnerable people are exposed to fewer protection threats and incidents, and those who are exposed have safe, tailored, timely and dignified access to appropriate through integrated and inclusive humanitarian action promotes centrality of protection priorities.

Vulnerable people withstand and recover from shocks, have their resilience to shocks and stresses built, and seek solutions that respect their rights.

Key figures

People in need 8.9M
People targeted 6.8M
People reached 4.9M
Requirements (US$) 1.7B
Funded (US$) 1.16B

People in South Sudan continued to face critical, deteriorating humanitarian conditions in 2022 – driven by years of conflict, a surge in sub-national violence, continued climate crisis, ongoing public health challenges and worsening food insecurity and inflation.

Sub-national violence and conflict across the country displaced thousands in 2022, which increased population movements requiring humanitarian support. South Sudan was once again scarred by large-scale flooding for the fourth consecutive year, with water levels in some states exceeding the levels witnessed in 2021 and affecting the areas that had not been flooded in 2021.

Access constraints, bureaucratic impediments, operational interference and violence against humanitarian personnel and assets continued to affect humanitarian operations in 2022, with reported access incidents declining in number but increasing in intensity. Between January and December 2022, 419 incidents related to humanitarian access constraints were reported, of which 227 involved violence against humanitarian personnel and assets. Nine humanitarian workers were killed and 310 humanitarian staff were relocated.

More than 8.9 million people needed humanitarian assistance and protection services.
Humanitarian partners worked tirelessly to meet people’s priority needs, guided by three strategic objectives set in the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan.

About 4.9 million women, girls, boys and men were reached with humanitarian assistance and services between January and December 2022. More than 4.16 million people received food assistance and livelihood support; over 1.22 million people were reached with health care; nearly 865,700 people were assisted with protection services; and 726,500 people supported with access to safe water and sanitation. Almost 1.4 million children and pregnant and breastfeeding women were provided with emergency nutritional assistance and an estimated 889,100 people received essential household items and emergency shelter. More than 24,900 metric tons of humanitarian cargo were transported. Some 1.19 million people were reached through camp coordination and camp management services and over 320,200 children were supported with access to education in emergencies. At least 58 per cent of humanitarian partners working to achieve the HRP objectives were South Sudanese non-governmental organisations.
The humanitarian response plan was 68 per cent funded, with US$1.16 billion received toward the $1.7 billion appeal. This includes $54 million allocated through the Central Emergency Response Fund and $50 million disbursed through the South Sudan Humanitarian Fund.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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