Weekly registration: 18 -24 Mar.-2013
During the current week (18 -24 Mar.) 439 individuals have been registered; On March 18 the center was closed.
28 out of 439 are newborns.
54.44% of new arrivals are minors and 45.56% are above 18 years.
47.61% are female, 52.39% are male;
Rejections: 14 individuals have been rejected for the following reasons: - 2 recyclers; - 6 active combatant; - 4 back and forth / visitors; - 2 not of concern (Darfurians coming straight from Darfur); - 0 conflicting information.
Tranfers: - No transfers was done.
Majority of new arrivals come from Heban and Umdoreen county followed by Al Boram.
70 individuals / 20 housholds have been pre-register to voluntarly move to Ajoung Thok as of March 23.
- 2 individuals were inactivated because they went back to Nuba.
- 25 vulnerable individuals has been re-activated this week.