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South Sudan

US doctors conduct free surgery in Morobo

(25th February 2013) - A group of 10 doctors from the United States of America has started conducting surgical operations on patients in Morobo County, Central Equatoria state.

The Doctors who are from the Pacific North Surgical outreach will spend seven days carrying out the free procedures in collaboration with the South Sudan Christian outreach Ministry.

Radio Miraya reporter John Lomoro is in Morobo and says the team is operating on patients with tumors and minor ailments.

‘So far they have operated on 10 people suffering from hernias, others from tumors, some abdominal pain and other minor surgeries. They said that this time they will target at least 40 patients before they end their trip to Morobo County,” says Lomoro.

Last year more than 20 patients in Morobo County benefited from similar health clinics in the area.