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South Sudan

Steadily increasing IDP population in Jonglei State

JUBA [ACTED News] – Registration of the displaced households in Akobo East, in Jonglei State of South Sudan, began late February, noting an increase of approximately 2,375 households. A number of these internally displaced persons (IDPs) are direct victims of the 8 February attack against a group of pastoralists by cattle-raiders. Many have also arrived out of fear of potential additional attacks. Many are living with host community relatives; those without extended families in the area are sleeping under the trees on the river bank. Most IDPs have few resources, placing substantial strain on the host community. The Jonglei Relief and Rehabilitation Commission and UNOCHA have decided to provide humanitarian aid to the initial 625 households until full verification of the new arrivals can be conducted. ACTED is currently finalizing plans with the national NGO Nile Hope Development Forum plan to distribute water purification sachets, water, hygiene and sanitation kits, and to construct emergency and durable latrines to ease the vulnerability of these 625 IDPs as well as the surrounding new arrivals and hosts.