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South Sudan

Doro camp desperately needs shelter

Doro (6 Jan.) - There are reports of 13,000 families from Blue Nile state, living without shelter in Doro refugee camp Upper Nile state, South Sudan for the past three months.

The refugees have a severe shortage of food, medicine and water and and are residing under trees, with no shelter in the middle of winter.

Sarah Musa, a refugee activist at the camp told Radio Dabanga that by 10 pm the temperature drops and families were covering their children with the clothes that they did have. She reported that the heads of some families were sleeping next to fires until the morning, but the situation was worsened by damp ground due to the time of year.

Musa described the situation as catastrophic and unable for most people to grasp in their imaginations.

Children naked at the camp

Sarah Musa also revealed the presence of hundreds of children in the camp wearing no clothes in the midst of the cold weather.

She said activists at the camp had started thinking about collective action to ask towns and cities near the camp to donate clothes to these children.

She also appealed for humanitarian organizations and the Sudanese people to immediately donate clothes to these hundreds of children in dire conditions, sleeping naked under the trees.