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South Sudan

25,000 cattle vaccinated in Jonglei

(1st March 2013) - The Commissioner of Twic East County in Jonglei State says over 25,000 cattle have been vaccinated against the deadly disease Hemorrhagic Septicemia, but that the county has now run out of vaccines.

Speaking to Radio Miraya, Twic East County Commissioner Dau Jurkuch, said that the rate of infection has dropped since vaccination started last month.

“We have vaccinated over 25,000 head of cattle and we have seen that, there is little bit of improvement but it’s not like before the vaccines very unfortunately. At the moment the drugs now are out of stock and we still have more animals that need to be vaccinated. Now the message is, we cannot accommodate new animals and animals that come from different places to Twic East,” says Jurkuch. Jurkuch says the vaccination campaign is targeting ninety-five thousand cattle.

More than two thousand five hundred cattle have died of the disease during a recent outbreak in Twic East and Duk Counties of Jonglei State.