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South Africa

South Africa - Severe weather (NOAA-CPC, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 28 November 2024)

  • Since 27 November, heavy rainfall and strong winds have been affecting Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces in eastern part of South Africa, causing severe weather-related incidents that resulted in casualties and damage.
  • As of 28 November, according to media reports, one person died due to a severe weather-related incident in Eldorado Park, in the city of Johannesburg in central Gauteng province, and dozens of people have been injured across Randfontein town in Gauteng province and Middelburg town in Mpumalanga province. Thousands of people have been displaced across the two affected provinces and hundreds of houses have been damaged.
  • Light rain is expected on 28-29 November over the eastern coasts of South Africa, and drier conditions are forecast on 30 November over the whole country.