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South Africa + 4 more

South Africa - 2023 IFRC network country plan (MAAZA003)



The South African Red Cross Society was admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1919. It was established in 1921 by the Parliament of South Africa as a voluntary humanitarian relief and development organization, and an auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field. The National Society’s goal is to alleviate human suffering and assist people in need. The South African Red Cross is a key partner of the Government of South Africa, in times of peace and crisis, and seeks to complement the Government’s efforts by executing its auxiliary role to address humanitarian needs and issues in South Africa.

The National Society is known for the capacities of its first responders, who act in coordination with the Government’s disaster management committee. As a result, the South African Red Cross has earned the trust of the communities it works with, enabling its continued access to and ability to reach vulnerable groups. In 2021 and 2022, the National Society simultaneously responded at scale to the COVID-19 pandemic, urban violence and devastating floods and landslides.

It works with local authorities and other humanitarian partners in line with the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, paying special attention to the neutrality, impartiality, independence and sustainability of its interventions.

The South African Red Cross operates 42 branches across the nine provinces of South Africa, with a database of 5,098 volunteers and 271 staff members. The Secretary General’s office is supported by a senior management team comprising managers from different departments, including disaster management, health and care, branch development, finance and organizational development. The team supports its decentralized provincial and branch offices with the implementation of activities and community engagements.