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WHO Somalia: Health Emergency Programme Update, November & December 2020



• ALERTS: 2487 alerts of epidemic-prone diseases were reported through the EWARN system in November and December 2020. The top three leading alerts were for suspected AWD/cholera (60%), suspected measles (30%) and malaria (10%) - with most cases located in drought and flood affected districts

• COVID-19: In November and December 2020, the MoH with support from WHO tested 40 698 suspected cases of COVID-19, of which 626 cases were laboratory-confirmed. There were also 432 recoveries and 26 deaths associated with the virus. Since the onset of the outbreak in Somalia, there have been 5151 laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 including 145 associated deaths. The median age amongst confirmed cases is 33 years and 76% of the cases have been male.

• OUTREACH HEALTH SERVICES: WHO has con-tinued to support the Ministry of Health in deliv-ering emergency health services to hard-to-reach communities and IDP populations in Hudur district through outreach activities. In November and De-cember 2020, approximately 2700 patients benefit-ted from life-saving primary health care services