In Numbers
USD 8.6 m cash-based transfers made
5,477 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 186.4 m six months net funding requirements
representing 66 percent of the total USD 278 m (February-July 2020)
1.6 m people assisted in January 2020
Operational Updates
The 2019 Somalia Deyr Seasonal Food Security and Nutrition assessment findings (February 2020) indicates an improved food security situation in Somalia due to a favourable Deyr harvest and improved livestock production. However, without sustained humanitarian assistance, 1.3 million people are expected to face Crisis or worse (IPC Phase 3 or higher) food security outcomes and an additional 2.8 million people are expected to be stressed (IPC Phase 2) across Somalia, between April and June 2020.
Somalia faces the largest desert locust outbreak in 25 years. The locusts have had limited impact on the current food security situation. However, the infestation can have severe consequences from March/April when eggs start to hatch. The Federal Government of Somalia has declared the desert locust infestation a national emergency.
About 1.6 million women, men and children in communities most affected by acute food and nutrition insecurity in Somalia received assistance from WFP in January. More than half of the people reached received cash-based transfers (CBT) worth nearly USD 8.6 million. In addition, about 524,000 pregnant and lactating women, and children aged 6-59 months received preventative and curative nutrition assistance, while approximately 46,000 people received support through livelihoods programmes.
WFP is planning to undertake a national food security and nutrition vulnerability mapping among people living with HIV and TB patients in February 2020. In January, a meeting was held with the federal Ministry of Health to clarify the protocol, sampling procedures and data collection methodology. The study will provide WFP with the required evidence to strengthen and improve policy and programming for its TB and HIV nutrition programme.
The Ministry of Education in Puntland convened a stakeholders’ meeting themed, ‘decentralised quality education for all’. The meeting was attended by government officials, donor representatives, and education stakeholders. A review of the education sector in Puntland was undertaken. Among the actions proposed were integration and strengthening of the school feeding programme in the education sector plan and the development of a school feeding programme policy in 2020.