In Numbers
USD 12 m cash-based transfers made
7,129 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 174 m six months net funding requirements representing 53 percent of the total USD 298.6 m (January-June 2020)
2.3 m people assisted in December 2019
Operational Updates
In December, the last month of the Deyr season (October to December), some parts of the country continued to receive average to above average rainfall and of those, Bari, Gedo, Hiraan, Bay, Middle Juba, Lower Juba and Middle Shabelle regions continued to report flash and riverine flooding which damaged crops and infrastructure.
The Tropical Cyclone Pawan hit the coast of Somalia on 07 December causing strong winds, heavy rains and floods in Bari and Nugal regions of Puntland. According to the Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Agency (HADMA), some 35,600 households were affected across Puntland with the extreme weather conditions displacing about 450 households, and destroyed property, infrastructure including roads, buildings and boats. In response, WFP supported over 62,000 people with about 622 mt of food commodities, enabling them to meet their food needs.
Somalia is currently experiencing its worst infestation of desert locusts in 25 years. The situation is far worse than expected and as of December 17, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimated that nearly 70,000 hectares of range and grass land had been destroyed in northern Somalia. Although the desert locusts have spread from the north to central and southern areas of Somalia during the second half of December, the negative impact on crop production and pasture remain mild in many regions across the country. There is likelihood of locust spawn lasting until April 2020. Without proper control, the expected Deyr harvest and pasture for livestock are likely to be affected thereby threatening food security in many parts of the country.
About 2.3 million women, men and children in communities most affected by acute food and nutrition insecurity in Somalia received assistance from WFP in December. More than half of the people reached received cash-based transfers (CBT) worth nearly USD 12 million. In addition, about 538,000 pregnant and lactating women, and children aged 6-59 months received preventative and curative nutrition assistance, while approximately 194,000 people received support through livelihoods programmes.