Key Overall Developments
Rains and Drought updates
The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWSNET) says that light to moderate rains have been received in most parts of Somalia with Gedo, Bay regions and limited areas in the north and central receiving good rains. FEWSNET also says that livestock, particularly small ruminants, have died due to hypothermia mainly in pastoralist areas. Significant livestock movements started to areas with good rains while food supply at markets declined in the areas where roads have become impassible due to the rains. Significant pasture regeneration has been reported and river levels (the Juba and Shabelle) started rising and farmers are already taking advantage to irrigate their crops.
DSRSG & HC on UN response to recovery activities in Mogadishu
The Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden, and the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary‐General for Somalia, Christian Manahl, led a mission to Mogadishu. They met with the African Union Mission in Somalia Force Commander and the Transitional Federal Government Ministers for Defence and Interior and the Mayor of Mogadishu. Discussions focused on the UN response to recovery activities in Mogadishu in a phased approach, mainly in the fields of human security, basic services and employment generation.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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