Key highlights
A total of 47 new suspected AWD/cholera cases (27 female and 20 male) and no death was reported during week 49.
Out of 29 (61.7%) were children under five years of age.
The 47 new suspected AWD/cholera cases were reported from 22 districts, of Hirshabelle, South West states and Banadir region.
In week 49, the overall attack rate of 98.56 cases per 100,000 persons were reported from 22 district and the most affected districts include Adale, Daynile, Qoryoley, Baidoa, Afgoye, Madina, Kahda, Hodan, and Dharkeynley.
Cumulative statistics
Since EPI week 1 to 49, December 2021, 5455 cholera cases including 35 deaths with (CFR 0.64%), were reported from 22 districts of Hirshabelle, South West and Banadir region.
Since the beginning of the year of which 3520 (64.52%) were children under 5 years of age and (46.4%) cases were females.
Since January 2021, a total of 768 stool samples collected out of which 188 tested positive for Vibrio Cholerae Ogawa.
There are currently 18 CTC, 9 in Southwest, 4 Jubbaland, 3 Hirshabelle State and 2 Benadir region