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UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 7 - July 2020



• In July, 13,579 children with life threatening SAM (55 per cent girls) were admitted for treatment in UNICEF supported programs.

• To ensure staff and patient safety and continued patient trust, UNICEF partners trained 123 frontline healthcare workers, 190 health facility staff and 169 CHWs on COVID-19 related issues and infection prevention control protocol (IPCP) in July.

• A total of 229 water points was chlorinated to reduce the likelihood of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) and other waterborne diseases in flood affected areas.

• In Somaliland, UNICEF contributed towards rolling out radio, TV and online pre-recorded lessons for grade 6 to 12. This ensured continuous distance learning as the schools prepare to reopen in August. Currently 72,237 (29,558 girls) in grade 7, 8 and 12 are benefitting from the alternative learning modalities in Somaliland.

• UNICEF and its partners provided life-saving services to 571 survivors of gender-based violence (16 boys, 215 girls and 340 women) with multisectoral support service including temporary shelter, medical and legal assistance and psychosocial counselling.

Situation in Numbers

3,200,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance (Humanitarian Needs Overview December 2019)

5,200,000 people in need (Humanitarian Needs Overview December 2019)

2,600,000 Internally displaced people (IDPs) or refugees (Humanitarian Needs Overview December 2019