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UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 6 - June 2020



 In Somalia, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases has risen to 2,835 with 90 deaths and 829 recoveries as of 24 June 2020.UNICEF is currently supporting the Government of Somalia in the implementation of its COVID-19 response by placing gender equity at the center of its effort.

 Since the advent of COVID-19 pandemic, partners have reported the increase of Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases in Somalia that UNICEF scaled up its Child Protection interventions. During the reporting period,142 UNICEF personnel and partners were trained on GBV risk mitigation and referrals for survivors, including for sexual exploitation and abuse.

 UNICEF supported the delivery of a community-based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support to 2,188 children, parents and primary caregivers.

 As the result of the closing of all schools as a COVID-19 precautionary measure, approximately 814,000 school children have been affected in the country. UNICEF is supporting the distance learning of 116,612 children, of which 48,218 (41%) were girls.

 As part of UNICEF’s COVID-19 response, over 704,000 people (210,850 girls, 215,512 boys, 148,868 women, 128,993 men) were reached with critical WASH supplies and services, including hygiene items and safe water supply through water trucking.

 Delivery of lifesaving essential health services across Somalia remains UNICEF’s priority. During the reporting period, 42,630 children and women received essential healthcare services.

 New radio spots aired throughout Somalia. The spots feature three prominent religious leaders and highlight key COVID-19 prevention measures, targeting an estimated 10 million people.

Situation in Numbers

2,835 Confirmed cases in Somalia

90 Deaths (Ministry of Health, 24 June 2020)

US $ 27.8 Million needed to implement UNICEF’s response