UNICEF supported health facilities conducted 87,369 outpatient clinic (OPD) consultations, including 32,822 consultations for internally displaced people (IDP) and people living in hard-to-reach areas (18,293 children under-5 and 8,824 women).
Water trucking reached 78,000 people who were displaced by ongoing flooding and conflicts in Hiraan, Mudug, Gedo and Banadir regions.
In May, 203 (68 females) Communities Education Committee members (CECs) were trained in school management and governance with integrated COVID-19 prevention to re-awaken community spirit in improving education and empowering communities to analyze problems confronting education.
In May 2020, 15,915 (53 per cent girls) were reached with lifesaving severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treatment bringing the total reached in 2020 to 88,613 children and representing 50 per cent of the Somalia SAM burden.
In child protection, 17,487 people accessed UNICEF integrated child protection services in emergency services across the country. This included 5,880 children and 2,153 caregivers who accessed communitybased psychosocial support through child friendly spaces, club activities and parent support sessions.