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UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3, 1 - 31 March 2024



  • As concern rises over potential impacts of forecasted Gu Rains, children in Somalia grapple with post El Nino floods effects including an exponential rise in cases of acute watery diarrhoea/Cholera. 80 per cent of cases are children and more than 1.2 million remain at risk of Cholera.
  • 130,404 affected people including 80,000 children were reached with emergency water supply. 100,645 affected people received hygiene promotion services and products while 39,678 people accessed improved sanitation facilities.
  • 36,797 under-fives (21,476 girls and 15,321 boys) were reached with treatment for severe wasting and 4,356 children (2,139 girls and 2,217 boys) were vaccinated against measles.
  • 357 (160 girls, 197 boys) unaccompanied and separated children were registered, successfully reuniting 319 (145 girls) of them with their families.
  • 68,676 disaster affected children can now access learning in schools and temporary learning spaces across 12 disaster affected districts.
  • Interventions to mitigate against gender-based violence reached 6,550 at-risk and affected children and women, encompassing a range of services such as medical support, psychological first aid, and counseling.
  • 13,894 individuals reported and sought assistance, through safeguarding mechanisms.
  • 90 social mobilizers trained and deployed to conduct house to house visits and provide key prevention education sessions to 6,917 households reaching 226,800 people.
  • UNICEF has diligently been executing an eight-pillar workplan designed to prevent and respond to aid diversion including digitizing its supply management system and the registration procedures for beneficiaries