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UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 12: 31 December 2019



• UNICEF supported nutrition facilities reached 192,766 children under five years affected by severe wasting (58 per cent girls) between January and December 2019 (108 per cent of the national SAM burden and 148 per cent of UNICEF target).

• UNICEF supported construction of 3,712 new latrines, mostly in internally displaced people (IDP) camps and rehabilitation of others to reach 123,916 people with access to gender sensitive sanitation.

• Improved monitoring and reporting systems on grave violations against children verified and documented grave violations affecting 2,959 children (523 girls and 2436 boys) between January-December 2019.

• UNICEF continued to support inclusive access to learning and retention of boys and girls in schools through provision of safe and protective learning environments. A total of 68,117 (31,533 girls) crisis affected children accessed education opportunities with UNICEF education in emergency (EiE) support in Somalia.

• UNICEF and partners provided 621,465 people (63 per cent of the target) with life-saving health services, this included 320,026 under-5 children and 179,376 women.


4.2 million People in need of humanitarian assistance (2019 Humanitarian Needs Overview)

903,100 Estimated children under-5 years likely to face acute malnutrition in 2019, including 138,200 children with SAM (FSNAU 2018 post-Deyr assessment)

3 million Children estimated to be out of school (2019 Humanitarian Action for Children)

2.6 million People internally displaced throughout Somalia

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

Throughout 2019, Somalia was faced with drought followed by flooding, the impact of which combined with the continuing conflict affected-areas created challenges for the most vulnerable groups of children, women and men. Over 665,000 people were displaced between January and October. The majority of people (363,000) were displaced in October due to the flooding which occurred during the Deyrseason in Belet Weyne district in Hiraan being most affected. Forcible evictions of internally displaced people (IDPs) continued with over 220,000 people displaced from January to October.

General acute malnutrition (GAM) is above the 15 per cent threshold in 10 of the 33 areas which experienced below average rainfall in 2019. Up to 178,000 children are expected to be impacted by severe acute malnutrition (SAM) between July 2019 and June 2020. Adding to these challenges was the presence at the end of 2019 of locusts infesting the countryside and destroying crops. As a result, it is expected in 2020 that up to 2.1 million people are expected to face food consumption gaps with 6.3 million facing acute food insecurity.

With Central South Somalia particularly badly hit by the environmental shocks, UNICEF maintained a robust emergency response in 2019 and reached thousands of vulnerable and most needy children and women with different lifesaving interventions. This was done in part by supporting the health systems and supporting access to safe water and proper sanitation and protective environments, especially for the IDPs, which are limited. There is a need to keep the momentum and sustain lifesaving interventions throughout the country. Boys and girls continue to endure multiple protection risks and violations of their rights including family separation, GBV, physical abuse, psychosocial distress, child labour, wide spread recruitment and use of children by armed groups, forced displacement, limited access to humanitarian assistance due to insecurity and/or discriminatory practices and exploitation