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UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1 (Reporting Period: 1-31 January 2022)


Situation in Numbers

4,900,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance Humanitarian Needs Overview October 2021)

7,700,000 people in need (Humanitarian Needs Overview October 2021)

2,900,000 internally displaced people (OCHA Somalia, January 2022)


• A severe drought is affecting over 4.1 million people across Somalia, while an estimated 1.4 million children under the age of five years face acute malnutrition through 2022, including 329,500 likely to be severely malnourished.

• Of the total 317,000 new internal displacements in the month of January 2022, 309,000 (97 per cent) were forced to flee their homes by the drought or disrupted livelihoods, while the remaining were related to conflict or insecurity.

• In January, a total of 8,394 measles cases were reported across Somalia, and UNICEF is supporting a localized measles vaccination campaign as an immediate response.

• Somalia remained one of the countries in the world with the highest reported cases of grave child rights violations. In 2021 alone, 3,340 grave violations were reported against children. In addition, there were 33 incidents of attacks on schools and hospitals and 16 incidents of denial of humanitarian access for children.

• During the reporting period, a total of 25,930 children (14,201 girls and 11,729 boys) were treated for severe acute malnutrition. A total of 61,104 children and women received essential healthcare services, while 110,000 people received emergency water supplies.

• A total of 11,677 children benefited from UNICEF's support in education during the reporting period, while mental health and psychosocial support services were provided to 14,447 children.