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Somalia + 1 more

UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report #7, July 2015



  • UNICEF and partners continue to work with authorities to register and provide assistance to the increasing numbers of people fleeing the conflict in Yemen. UNICEF support in July included medical and nutritional screening; referral of children with severe acute malnutrition; emergency measles and polio vaccination; first aid services; identification of separated and unaccompanied children; and psychosocial support.

  • Floods are anticipated in the last quarter of 2015 due to the expected El Niňo phenomenon putting an estimated 900,000 people living in the Shabelle and Juba basins at high risk. Early warnings have spurred UNICEF and partners into action - preparatory and early response actions are underway.

  • UNICEF appeals for US$ 111,705,413 to meet the humanitarian needs of women and children in Somalia in 2015. As at 28 August, UNICEF’s humanitarian appeal is 34 per cent funded.