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UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report #7: 1 to 31 July 2018



• Since the beginning of the year, UNICEF and partners have treated 138,268 children with SAM reaching 80 per cent of the 2018 target. Despite the above normal Gu rain performance, preliminary findings of the 2018 FSNAU Gu assessment indicate that the nutrition situation among IDP populations is still precarious. More the half of the IDP settlements assessed have global acute malnutrition (GAM) rates above the 15 percent emergency threshold. New IPC results for Food Security and Acute Malnutrition are expected to be released in late August and will inform UNICEF nutrition program targets.

• From January to end-July 2018, 386,269 beneficiaries, including 134,808 pregnant and lactating women, have been provided with critical life-saving health services by UNICEF and partners.

• In July, 14,301 children (6,410 girls) from flood, drought and conflict affected areas in Banadir region, Hiraan region, Middle Shabelle region and Galgaduud region were reached with education in emergencies services despite accessibility and security limitations.

• In July, a total of 8,168 people benefited from UNICEF-supported protection services; they include, 3,284 children (1,928 girls) who accessed psychosocial support, 483 separated and unaccompanied children (202 girls) whose families were traced and reunified, 3,175 children (1,584 girls) who benefitted from community-and-school-based mine risk awareness, and 1,226 people (1,100 girls and women) who had access to GBV services.


5.4 million People in need of humanitarian assistance (FSNAU-FEWSNET Technical Release, February 2018)

1.2 million Children under-5 that are or could be acutely malnourished in the next year

2.6 million People internally displaced throughout Somalia

UNICEF 2018 Appeal: US$ 154.9m

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

Despite improvements in the first half of 2018, major humanitarian needs in Somalia persist, particularly among IDP populations, due to residual impacts of drought, ongoing displacement, conflict and marginalization. 5.4 million people are still in need of humanitarian assistance throughout Somalia, including 2.8 million children; although this number may decrease in the second half of the year following the impact of above average Gu rains and sustained humanitarian interventions. Malnutrition rates across Somalia remain among the worst in the world. In total, about 1.2 million children under-5 are projected to be acutely malnourished in 2018 including, 232,000 expected to be suffering from severe acute malnutrition. Over 4.4 million people need humanitarian WASH services, with 3.5 out of 5 people without adequate safe water to meet basic needs. More than 5.7 million people require basic health services, including critical needs in maternal and child health, as one in eight Somali children die before the age of five. Disease outbreaks such as AWD/cholera and measles continue to represent a major threat to children with 6,979 suspected measles cases (72 per cent being children under-5) and 5,704 suspected cases of AWD/cholera with 39 deaths reported in 2018. Over 3 million children, out of 4.9 million in the country, are estimated to be out of school. More than 2.6 million people have been displaced, including over 1 million in the last year alone and displacement flows continue at critical levels. Exclusion and discrimination of socially marginalised groups continue to exacerbate high levels of acute humanitarian needs. More than 76 per cent of recorded gender-based violence (GBV)survivors are reported to be from IDP communities. Grave violations against children continue at worrying rates with abductions, recruitment and use, as well as killing/maiming reported as the primary concerns.