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UNICEF Somalia Humanitarian Situation Report #12, December 2015



• UNICEF and partners continue to respond to flooding and AWD/cholera outbreaks.

• The round five of the Polio National Immunization Day conducted in Central and Southern Somalia, as well as in Puntland. A measles campaign also took place in Somaliland during the reporting period.

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

The primary outlook from the Food Security and Nutrition Analysis Unit (FSNAU) indicated that acute food insecurity is expected to persist in most parts of Somalia, especially in urban areas affected by trade disruptions, as well as across most of the main IDP settlements. Slight improvements are however expected in some pastoral, agropastoral and riverine livelihoods of southern regions. Based on the Integrated Phase Classification (IPC) food insecurity severity scale, the overall number of people in Crisis (IPC 3) and Emergency (IPC 4) is expected to remain stable or increase slightly in the first half of 2016, particularly in drought affected areas, while most rural livelihoods are likely to be classified as Minimal or Stresses (IPC 2). Since the onset of the Deyr rainy season in October, seasonal flooding exacerbated by El Niňo conditions has affected over 145,000 people and displaced nearly 60,000. Response to Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD)/cholera cases is ongoing. Mediation efforts by various actors led to a peace agreement being signed on 2 December, ending the armed violence in Gaalkacyo and internally displaced populations are returning to their homes and previous settlements. Somalia continues to respond to the influx, albeit much reduced, of returnees and refugees fleeing the conflict in Yemen; at end December, the number stands at 30,180.