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UNICEF Somalia COVID-19 Situation Report No. 9 - Reporting Period: 25 August – 22 September 2020



▪ As of September 22, 3,588 COVID-19 cases were reported in Somalia with an overall downward trend. The death rate remains below 3% with 99 fatalities and the recovered cases increased to 2,946. For the disaggregated data, women represent 27%, men 73%. Children account for less than 4.7% of the total confirmed COVID-19 cases.

▪ Over 20,156 tests were carried out to date, and the testing capacity has improved in terms of geographic coverage though remains weak with gaps in coverage.

▪ UNICEF has continued to ensure continuity of essential health and nutrition service provision amidst of the COVID 19 pandemic. During the reporting period, UNICEF through partners provided infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counselling to 13,257 mothers and caretakers and supported 53,738 children and women to access lifesaving health services.

▪ UNICEF has reached 813,692 people with essential WASH supplies across the country since the advent of the pandemic in Somalia. During this reporting period, 69,592 people were reached with WASH services, of which 1,240 were schoolgirls receiving Menstrual Hygiene Management kits in Bay, Bakool regions.

▪ 1,930 children and primary caregivers were provided with community-based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support.

▪ Radio spots continued to air throughout Somalia. The spots highlighted COVID-19 prevention measures, targeting an estimated 10 million.