Somalia continues to face political instability, humanitarian crisis and clan conflicts.
Due to ongoing conflicts, drought and food insecurity more than one million people have been newly displaced in 2017.
Monitoring agencies expecting that humanitarian situation will continue to deteriorate.
Major Developments
2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview
On 29 November, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in Somalia released the 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview. The Humanitarian Needs Overview predicts that in 2018, over 6.2 million people, half of the population of Somalia, will need humanitarian assistance and protection due to the ongoing drought and conflict. Over two million IDPs are among those who are in urgent need of assistance.1 Several reports by the monitoring agencies indicated that in a scenario of continued assistance at current levels, Famine (IPC Phase 5) remains possible. Large-scale assistance is needed through 2018 to prevent the loss of lives and collapse of livelihoods.
16 Days of Activism against Sexual and Gender-based Violence
On 25 November, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, UNHCR across the country launched the 16 days of activism against Sexual and Gender-based Violence (SGBV) campaign. In the 16 days several activities were carried out by UNHCR and partners with the theme “Leave no one behind – working together to end sexual and gender-based violence”.
Floods affected people of concern and destroyed their shelters
UNHCR field units (FU) in Dhobley and Baidoa reported that Deyr rain has affected IDPs in various IDP settlements. The issues identified were collapsed latrines which pose health risks (waterborne diseases) and destroyed shelters. Affected people are in need of hygiene kits, shelters, awareness on best hygienic practices and improving the drainage system. UNHCR has assisted 9,866 people affected by rains: 7,266 persons benefited from kits, which consist of core relief items (CRIs), 1,400 benefited from hygiene kits and 1,200 benefited from awareness raising session on hygiene. In Dhobley FU also advocated for alternative land for relocation of IDPs.