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Somalia + 3 more

UNHCR Somalia Factsheet - January 2016



  • 30,728 Arrivals from Yemen since 27 March 2015

  • 8,067 Refugee returnees from Kenya since 8 December 2014

  • 109,378 Evictions in Mogadishu since January 2015

  • 346,061 New displacements since January 2015


  • As part of the UN integrated mission to Somalia (UNSOM), UNHCR maintains close collaboration with UN agencies, local and international NGOs and Somali authorities at country and field levels in a joint effort to provide assistance and durable solutions to the people of Somalia.

  • As a lead agency of the Protection and Shelter/NFI Clusters, and the implementation of the Protection and Return Monitoring Network (PRMN), UNHCR spearheads productive partnerships with over 60 national and international NGOs.

  • Since 2012, UNHCR leads the Somalia Return Consortium, a group of nine UN agencies and NGOs providing coordinated and standardized assistance to IDPs who opt to return and reintegrate in their areas of origin to end displacement.

  • To coordinate effective response to the Yemen crisis, UNHCR and IOM co-lead a country-level inter-agency Task Force on Yemen Situation.