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Trocaire Gender Analysis Report - Gedo Region, Somalia - September 2019


Executive Summary

Somalia has experienced protracted complex emergencies resulting from high levels of poverty, decades of conflict, severe droughts and even famine. According to the 2019 Index for Risk Management (INFORM), Somalia tops the country’s most at risk of humanitarian crisis like floods, droughts and conflict. The country has high vulnerability of the population exacerbated by inequalities and displacement and the lowest coping capacity necessitating humanitarian interventions. With an emerging federal government, much of the basic services including education, healthcare, and access to water remains largely unavailable and provision of these services is dependent on support from Non-Governmental Organizations. In the past 2 years (2017- 2018) massive investments on drought response by humanitarian actors averted a famine.
Conflict, drought, and the search for basic needs continues to push displacement in Somalia with.648,000 internally displaced as at August 2019.2 For the purposes of this gender analysis – displacement and drought were selected as reference crises for IDP and host communities respectively.

Trocaire works in four districts of Gedo; Luuq, Dollow, Belet Hawa and Garbaharey. This assessment focused on Dollow and Luuq district; the former hosts the largest Internally Displaced People (IDP) population in Gedo region with the last estimate recording 75,684 IDPs in Dollow.

The Gender Analysis involved six FGDs per location and five key informant interviews (KII) and observations. Data collection took place 15th-16th September 2019.