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Statement of SRSG Mahiga to the meeting of AU PSC


Ladies and Gentlemen and Colleagues

Thank you for this opportunity to share again some views with you on the situation in Somalia. This meeting is a testimony to our collective aspiration and undertaking to restore peace and stability to Somalia. Here, let me, again, take a moment to recognise and pay tribute to the resolve of the troop contributing countries, the forces on the ground and their families, and all the stakeholders whose sacrifice and determination have already achieved so much, and continue to support Somalia during this critical time.


I am very encouraged by the AU-UN Strategic Concept on future AMISOM operations in Somalia. This Concept is a centrepiece of the comprehensive strategy on Somalia which links the political and the security needs required to achieve sustainable peace in Somalia. The process through which this Concept was generated has also been an exemplary model of collaboration under the leadership of the African Union.

The team undertook a comprehensive assessment on the ground and recommended a strong and realistic option on how to move forward. The recommendations provides sufficient basis for further planning, and is a tool with which to mobilise enhanced international support urgently required by AMISOM and the TFG in order to expand and consolidate the recent political and military gains. The endorsement of this Concept will define the international support to enhanced peace operations in Somalia, at this time when there is a renewed focus on Somalia by regional and international actors.


Progress on the security front must be, and is, underpinned by advances on the political side. We are moving forward on full implementation of the Roadmap on Ending the Transition. About 40 percent of the activities stipulated by the Roadmap have been delivered and 37 percent are ongoing. The first national constitutional conference in Garowe in Puntland State, brought together the signatories of the Roadmap and civil society to discuss the structure of Parliament and the modalities for an interim adoption of the Constitution. Discussions on the draft Constitution continue through January.

Discussions on post-August 2012, important as it is, must not divert us from the tasks at hand, as the Roadmap is the guarantee of a legitimate and credible end to the current transition. Achieving the goals of the Roadmap will inform what needs to be done for the post August political arrangements.

The challenges will continue. The extremists will continue their terrorist attacks targeting AMISOM and Somali civilians. Political wrangling will continue as change becomes imminent with the end of the transition. Some elements will seek to maintain the status quo as we are witnessing with the ongoing Parliamentary crisis. Nonetheless, we need to ensure that we make steady progress on all fronts.