1. Background and Humanitarian needs
The overall humanitarian situation in Somalia in 2020/2021 remains fragile, multi-layered, and complex due to the residual impact of ongoing displacement, conflict, facing Limited development coupled with recurring climatic shocks, including the COVID-19 pandemic, desert locusts, and poor rains from the Deyr. These constant shocks have led to Negative coping mechanisms being used by vulnerable communities. More than 1.15 million people (45 per cent) of a targeted 2.5 million people have received humanitarian assistance in the form of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions since the beginning of 2021. This includes over 747,000 people (216,882 girls, 245,918 boys, 145,392 women, and men) reached with emergency water supply since january, while 312,229 people (99,252 girls, 77,227 boys, 68,460 women, and 78,090 men) were reached with sustainable water supply services.
According to the WASH Cluster, significant gaps remain especially in areas affected by recent conflict like Guri Ceel where access to water and sanitation remain very low. In such areas, needs include emergency water supply and construction of emergency latrines where displacement occurred, hygiene kits distribution and hygiene promotion. In 2021, WASH Cluster partners have prepositioned supplies in each regional hub, strategically located in the flood, drought and cholera-prone areas in the southern regions of the country. There are nine strategic warehouses in nine urban centers cross south and central Somalia with a storage capacity of over 120,000 supplies to support about 720,000 people over three months.
Over 60% of the 5.9 M people in need of hum. assistance in Somalia, experiencing food insecurity. Hum. workers project that the number of people in need will rise to 7.7 M in 2022. The current drought conditions are expected to deteriorate as the deyr season is forecast to be below average in the country, amid a La Niña phenomena expected to last until April.