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Somalia WASH Cluster Dashboard (As of 31st August 2021)



  • According to the recent seasonal outlook by ICPAC, the Deyr 2021 rainy season is expected to be below average in most parts of the Somalia- with a 50% probability of experiencing below normal rains in Gedo and Middle Juba regions, 45% of below normal rains in Larger parts of Somaliland, central and southern regions.
    However, there is 35% probability of near normal rains in Puntland.

  • The projected below normal rains in the coming Deyr season are expected to have negative impacts given the ongoing drought conditions in some parts of the country, especially in Puntland, central and southern parts of the country.

  • Significant gaps remain throughout Somalia particularly the areas that are currently experiencing water shortages. Partners on the ground are responding, but the extremely low funding is hampering their capacity to respond the need of the populations.

  • Despite the dire situation in the country following the two consecutive below rainy seasons (2020 Deyr and 2021 Gu rains), only 12 per cent of the US$96.2 million funding needed for the 2021 has been received. If action is not taken to address this funding gap, the cost could be catastrophic.